Friday, November 21, 2008

Google mobile app with voice

In case you have been hiding under a technology rock you might not have noticed that this week Google launched an update to its Google Mobile App for the iPhone with voice support.

This is what Fortune said: "For tech bloggers, this was bigger than Obama."

To summarize what this is: Install app on your iPhone, click on nice blu Google logo, bring iPhone up to your ear, speak query, marvel as Google brings the result back to you.

What is happening behind the scenes: Using the accelerometer it determines that you are bringing the phone to your ear, and starts listening for your query. It takes your query (with some fairy dust to take into account the noise around you) and brings back results in the usual web-based format.

The media went mad on this. The NYT had a big article on it on Friday (before it launched) and bloggers picked it up

Google's iPhone app gets a voice: Yours
Google. iPhone. Voice search. Awesome. (If it works.)

As the application did not launch on the Apple store some even started speculating on some conspiracy:
Google Speech recognition app for iPhone delayed by Apple?
Even Google Gets Shafted By Apple's Ridiculous App-Approval Process

And then Monday, all was well as Apple made the app available and we posted our official post about the app along with a video by the Product Manager that built it, Mike LeBeau who is now world famous and has his own Facebook fan club:

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